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Here are the Topics which will be developed in the Congress :
1. Anathomy 2. Genetics, secondary lymphoedema related to familiar tumoral diseases 3. Lymphangiogenesis Growth Factors and Recombinant proteins 4. Molecular biology 5. Epidemiology 6. Physiology of the lymphatic system 7. Pathophysiology 8. Primary and Secondary Lymphoedema - Classifications 9. Staging 10. Clinic of lymphoedema 11. Primary and Secondary Lipoedema 12. Phlebolymphoedema & Phlebolypoedema 13. Cancer Metastasis Through the Lymphovascular System 14. Peripheral oedema in cardiac failure 15. Imaging 16. Differential Diagnosis 17. Medical therapy 18. Surgical therapy 19. Physical Therapy 20. Adapted Physical Activity in lymphedema management 21. Garment 22. Complications 23. Primary and Secondary prevention 24. Disability and Lymphoedema 25. Disability and Lipoedema International Classification of Functioning and disability scales in peripheral oedema 26. Psychological and Social aspects 27. Nursing 28. Voluntary 29. Management 30. Lymphology in Phlebology 31. Guidelines 32. Diagnostic and therapeutic protocols 33. Suggestions of Companies