Important notes for the Preconference
- Everyone may participate to all sections;
- from 3 to max 5 minutes every presence;
- proposals for the Consensus Document must be organized in powerpoint slides;
- all the proposal should be sent before August 15 to Committee
Sunday 15 September 2013
Pre-Congress on ISL Consensus Document
IUP-Consensus ISL-Consensus
Morning 9.00 – 13.00 .
Introduction (Witte – Michelini – Bernas)
General Considerations on Lymphatic diseases
(Chairman : Manokaran)
Lymphatic Malformations
(Chairman: Papendieck)
Genetic, Lymphangiongenesis and Grow factors
(Chairman: Witte)
Imaging in Lymphatic diseases
(Chairman: Bourgeois)
13.00 Light Lunch
Afternoon 14.00 – 18.00
Physical treatment
(Chairman: Foldi)
Drugs in Lymphoedema
(Chairman: Hokuma)
Fat and Lymphoedema
(Chairman: Brorson)
( Chairman: Campisi)
Social aspects
(Chairman: Piller)