Dear Poster Authors,
at Buy Bactrim the end we have around 100 Posters that will presented in the 24th ISL Congress.
After further work meeting, Organizing Committee decided to improve Poster Presentation considering the best way to show all and to give more visibility to all the interesting accepted works.
So the final idea is:
1) to let powerpoint been automatically continuously shown on big screen in Timothy Hall in the mornings of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then presented by authors in the afternoons of the same days (about 100 are divided into 4 afternoons so the same ppt shown in the morning will be presented in the afternoon according the final program timetable). (the morning preview let interested people being informed on the topic of afternoon presentations)
2) The poster will consist of 5 slides (the first containing the names of the authors, the title of the work and the institute / s affiliate, the second work purposes, and the third the materials and methods, results, and the fourth the fifth discussion with the conclusions)
3) The ‘small groups’ slides must be sent to the the email by August 30 (a term that we can move to 2 September, maximum)
To summarize: the material will be delivered pre-screened ‘continuous cycle’, with a short interval between work and other things, for the whole morning and in the same room in which will be discussed later in the afternoon of the same day, in order to give the chance for everyone to see the poster of each (of course with adequate time for each slide). To give an example: if I have to submit a poster for the afternoon of Tuesday, September 17, my 5 slides will rotate throughout the morning in the same room, alternating with the slides of the other works that will be discussed together with mine, at the same Tuesday afternoon , and so on for the other days.